Small Project Grants 2024-25

This is a preview of the Small Project Grant Application Form 24/25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Information for applicants

* indicates a required field.

Please note

Before completing this application form, please read the Small Project Grant guidelines and discuss your project with Community Development Grants Team.

Here is a list of items/documents you will need for this application:

  • ABN number.  If you do not have an ABN number, you will need to complete a Statement of Supplier Form.
  • Public Liability Insurance (check document is current). If you do not have public liability insurance, you will need an incorporated organisation as an auspice for the purpose of this grant.
  • Incorporation number. If you are not incorporated, you will need an incorporated organisation as an auspice for the purpose of this grant.
  • Child Safe Policy and the Child Safe Direct Contact Checklist or a Child Safe Statement of Commitment for incidental contact with children.
  • Letters of community support
  • Quotes (if applicable)
  • Other - if applicable, plans, drawings, permits, in principal approval/permission from the landowner (eg MRSC, DEECA, Parks Victoria etc)

You can find the guidelines, scoring matrix and other useful documents (e.g a list of documents you may need to provide for this application) on Councils website

If you have any questions in regards to the eligibility criteria or any part of the application, please contact the grants team via 5422 0216 or email

This field is read only. 

If you do contact us throughout the application process, please quote the application number below:

This field is read only. 

Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm that the applicant ...

  • has read and understands the program guidelines 
  • has discussed their application with a relevant Council Officer prior to submitting
  • is a not-for-profit organisation (includes educational institutions such as schools and kindergartens)
  • is incorporated, or is auspiced by an incorporated organisation for the purposes of this application
  • is located in (and/or supplies services to) the Macedon Ranges Shire
  • does not owe any acquittal reports or money to the Macedon Ranges Shire Council as a result of previous funding or grants
  • has the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this grant
  • is not an individual, a political organisation, for profit/commerical organisation or Government agency
  • does not receive direct income from electronic gambling machines and/the event does not promote or involve gambling-related activities.
  • is able to demonstrate compliance with Child Safe Standards
Please select below: * Required
You must confirm that all statements above are true and correct.
If you also spoke with other Council Officers please note their names here also.
Must be a date.